

My favorite supplements

My favorite supplements

As an athlete, supplements are an important part of my everyday life.  

In the morning I take one scoop of Animal Cuts on an empty stomach to start my cardio.

After about 30 minutes of cardio I prepare breakfast – see breakfast blog – some oats and one scoop of Animal whey.

My go to supplements are Animal Omega, Animal Pak and Animal Greens. Animal Omega is good for your joints and bones and its fatty acids, Animal Pak for your health and immune system, all the vitamins and minerals you need to start your day. I am not a fan of veggies and really lazy with eating salads or any other green foods, so for this I take the Animal Greens.

“I am not a fan of veggies.”  

People ask me if I do an On and Off (bulking) season and I must say this is not for me. I have never been super out of shape. Letting go and not knowing what is under my additional body fat is not for me. I like to see results from my training and that is why I do a “lean bulk” instead. 

“On and Off season is not for me.”

To have enough energy before my workout I like to eat about 30 grams of Cashews and a banana 1 hour before my training and 1 scoop op Animal Whey mixed with water. 

Then about 15-20 minutes before my training I take the pre-workout Animal Fury, orange and Green Apple are my favorite flavors. 

“Before my training I take the pre-workout Animal Fury, Orange and Green Apple are my favorite flavors.” 

During my training I like to have one scoop op Animal Juiced Aminos with 2.2 liters of water and after my training I have a nice meal.

About 300 grams of potatoes, 240 grams of fish or chicken and a little bit of peas. 
